
Meditation is the way

Meditation is the ultimate way to bring calmness to our Mind,  i think it is better to start meditation from very tender age, because meditation is the process of controlling one's mind. I don't know that if you have ever experienced how talkative your mind is. It takes great effort to make it stop. But it again starts to hover over your head.
                                 In present days one thing is well proven that Hyper Tension is very dangerous, its like a termite which makes you weak and your immune system. Pressure, sugar are just few steps ahead, by then. So, it is necessary to keep your mental health all well.

Luckly i got a youtube video(actually it is a audio but to upload to YouTube it has been made into a video) Which is just all we needed. You just have to make your eyes closed, and plug your ear phones on.
That's it . You will get a better state of mind after that. Yoga practitioner say that mediation should at least  be done up-to minutes = one's age.


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