
Its easy to Keeping the habit of reading Holy books is easy

I found These three website excellent for keeping your habit of reading a holy a boost.

As the name suggest that this website is dedicated only for Bhagavad Gita. Each sloka of each chapter is well  translated, with listen to audio facility, language included Hindi, Bengali, English,    Dutch, German, Greek, Chinese, Japanese, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Hebrew,  Arabic, Serbian and Russian. Not only that a through explanation of the sloka is given by two or three individual gurus.


I think it is virtually a biggest library on earth for religious books, there are so many Books of different religion. So many books on  topics of yoga, meditation, philosophical books etc.
But you have to be online to read these books.


It too has big collection but not as big as sacredtext but it is none the less small. Here you can download Books.

I hope this article has helped as it was intended. But Please do not get into the trap of "free" Downloading thing , do support the authors by buying their book.


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